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Creatine plus whey protein increases strength and increases muscle mass

Kreatin plus Wheyprotein steigert die Kraft und vergrößert die Muskelmasse

Creatine and whey proteinsn are supplements that have been shown to increase muscle mass. Australian researchers have found that creatine and whey protein - on their own or in combination - increased the amount of contractile protein and lean body mass as well as strength (1 RM repetition) compared to a supplement containing only carbohydrates. The combination of whey protein and creatine was only slightly more effective than either supplement alone. Most of the gains in strength and mass were attributed to training, but the two supplements were definitely effective.
A good strategy for maximizing training gains and promoting recovery is to consume a wheyshake with a teaspoon of creatine immediately after training.
(Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 39:298-307, 2007)

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