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Der Kreatin Ratgeber

The creatine guide

Creatine is the most studied and widely used supplement. This expert guide will introduce you to the different types of creatine products available and show you what they do and how to use them for optimal results.

This guide will teach you the following:

  • The facts about creatine and why it is such a popular supplement.
  • What creatine is and which natural foods are excellent sources of creatine.
  • The benefits of creatine for good health.
  • How creatine improves athletic performance and increases muscle cell volumization, which helps build strength and muscle.
  • What different forms of creatine supplements are available and how they can bring benefits.
  • How to best use creatine supplements for maximum results, including information on creatine loading.
  • When to take creatine and how high-glycemic carbohydrates can increase creatine absorption.
  • How to choose the right creatine supplement.
  • How to combine creatine with waxy maize starch, protein, carbohydrates, pre-workout supplements and fat burners.

There are hundreds of sites out there selling creatine supplements, but none of them will give you the facts about creatine or information about whether it's what you need for your goals. This article covers everything you need to know about creatine supplements. If you're thinking about using creatine supplements, then you should read this article first.

The creatine basics

What is creatine?

Simply put, creatine is a compound that provides energy to your muscles. The human body can produce creatine itself and it is also found in some foods - primarily fresh meat. Creatine is produced in the liver, pancreas and kidneys and is transported to the muscles via the bloodstream. As soon as it reaches the muscles, it is converted into phosphocreatine (creatine phosphate). This energy-rich metabolic product is used to regenerate the muscles' energy source - ATP. When you exercise, your ATP levels drop rapidly. Creatine is responsible for restoring creatine levels.

Creatine and athletic performance

Over the last two decades, creatine has become the king of all performance supplements - and with good reason. Taking creatine increases the performance of your creatine phosphate energy system. This allows you to push yourself longer and with more energy. Creatine also improves your ability to unleash explosive energy when you need it during critical phases of your workout. It should also be noted that creatine has been shown in clinical studies to increase strength and lean body mass.

Food sources of creatine

Although creatine is naturally produced in the human body from amino acids, half of all stored creatine comes from the food we eat. Creatine is primarily found in fresh meat. Beef, pork, salmon and tuna are exceptionally rich in creatine, containing up to 2 grams of creatine per pound of meat. Herring contains an astonishing 3 to 4 grams of creatine per pound. Craneberries are also relatively rich in creatine.

Creatine is very sensitive to heat. During cooking, a good portion of the creatine naturally contained in meat is destroyed.

Benefits of creatine for good health

Due to its popularity, the health benefits of creatine have been studied quite extensively. Studies have found that adequate creatine intake is essential for good health in numerous ways.

  • Creatine and Alzheimer's: Creatine supplementation can lower serum homocysteine levels. High serum homocysteine levels are associated with numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders. These diseases include depression, dementia and Alzheimer's disease. In fact, a recent study showed that high serum homocysteine levels can double the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
  • Creatine as an antioxidant: Creatine has recently been found to be a very effective antioxidant. In fact, creatine is almost as effective as glutathione when it comes to fighting free radicals. Glutathione is an extremely powerful antioxidant that occurs naturally in the body. For this reason, adequate creatine intake is essential for long-term good health.
  • Creatine in combination with B vitamins: Vitamins B2, B6, B9 and B12 are essential for proper creatine synthesis. Supplementation of B vitamins in combination with creatine optimizes cellular methylation. Proper methylation optimizes beneficial cell growth in addition to muscle growth. Suboptimal methylation leads to a higher risk of unwanted, cancerous cell growth.
  • Creatine and heart disease: Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the western world. Right now, over 13 million in the US alone are battling coronary heart disease. A creatine supplement can help fight the onset of coronary heart disease. Creatine lowers serum homocysteine levels. Without adequate creatine intake, serum homocysteine levels rise. High serum homocysteine levels contribute to the development of coronary heart disease.
  • Creatine and cognitive function: Creatine not only combats muscle fatigue, but also appears to stimulate brain function. A recent study showed that creatine supplementation directly led to a better ability to solve problems and improved short-term memory. Subjects who supplemented creatine also had better IQ scores.

Anabolic effects of creatine

The term anabolic is associated with an increase in lean muscle mass. Creatine supplementation works on several different levels to increase lean muscle mass.

Training performance and creatine

As creatine allows you to train longer and harder while giving you the ability to force more repetitions. This increased intensity forces your body to adapt and grow - more so than without creatine supplementation.

Creatine and cell growth

We've already touched on the topic of cell methylation and seen that creatine is essential for good health and cell growth. A diet that limits the consumption of fresh meat is a diet that is poor for the growth of new muscle cells. This fact adds another dimension to the daily protein requirements of athletes and bodybuilders. Not only do they need additional protein for amino acids and building blocks, but the creatine from fresh meat sources also ensures that cells are strong and healthy.

Creatine and muscle volumization

Muscle volumization is without a doubt the most talked about form of creatine anabolism. Creatine supplementation causes cells to swell due to water retention. This swelling leads to a better muscle feeling - or pump. In turn, this swelling of muscle cells causes these cells to increase the production of important structural and enzymatic proteins. Simply put, creatine not only enlarges the cells, but also strengthens them. This volumization of muscle cells leads to a body-wide increase in lean muscle mass.

Creatine supplementation also increases muscle growth and repair through the following mechanisms:

  1. By acting as an antioxidant, creatine removes harmful free radicals from muscle cells, which strengthens muscle cell membranes and allows muscle cells to repair and grow more efficiently.
  2. Creatine acts as an acid buffer in the muscles. Without the correct pH balance, a muscle will fatigue more quickly.
  3. Creatine helps regulate proper calcium levels in muscle tissue, allowing for good muscle contractions. Low creatine levels can cause a calcium imbalance and result in reduced muscle performance.

An introduction to the world of creatine supplements

What are creatine supplements?

Aside from protein supplements, creatine supplements are the most popular and effective muscle building and performance enhancing supplements on the market. Creatine supplements can increase overall strength by 10 to 15% and allow you to build up to 10 pounds of lean muscle mass. Due to their popularity, creatine supplements are extremely cost effective, giving an athlete the most bang for their buck.

Creatine supplements are available in powder form, in tablet and capsule form, and in liquid form. Since the powder form of creatine is the most popular, many creatine supplements are flavored and sold as a powder for making drinks.

A brief history of creatine supplementation

In 1912, Harvard scientists discovered that the consumption of creatine could increase the creatine content of the muscles. Over a decade later, scientists discovered that creatine affects muscle metabolism.

Creatine supplementation first came to public attention after the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. Later that year, The Times wrote an article describing creatine supplementation by several athletes. These athletes included 100m hurdles winner Linford Christie and several members of the British rowing team.

It was another year before creatine supplements became commercially available. In 1993, the company EAS (Experimental and Applied Sciences) launched a product called Phosphagen. In 2004, creatine ethyl ester came onto the market for the first time.

What different forms of creatine supplements are there?

Creatine supplements are generally sold in the following forms:

  • Creatine powder: Creatine powder is the most popular and widely used form of creatine supplements. Creatine powders are sold in pure form or as flavored powders for preparing drinks.
  • Creatine capsules: Creatine capsules or tablets have become increasingly popular in recent years. Creatine capsules are sold either as 100% pure creatine or creatine mixed with other supplements including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and more.
  • Liquid creatine: Liquid creatine dosage forms are marketed as the most easily digestible form of creatine. Despite these claims, liquid creatine is not a very popular supplement.
  • Creatine blends: Creatine blends combine different forms of creatine together and often include other supplements such as simple carbohydrates, vitamins & minerals and herbal extracts to enhance the effects and increase absorption and athletic performance.

Benefits of using creatine supplements

We've already taken a look at the anabolic and health benefits of creatine. Here's a closer look at the primary benefits of creatine supplementation.

  • Extra energy: Creatine supplementation boosts your energy, allowing you to train longer and harder and draw on extra reserves when you need a bigger energy boost. When you need quick energy, your body relies on a compound called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP reserves are used up quickly and after 10 to 15 seconds ATP stores are usually depleted. Creatine helps to replenish ATP stores and prepare your muscles to work hard again.
  • Protein synthesis: A recent study showed that creatine supplementation stimulates muscle-specific protein synthesis.
  • Muscle volume: Creatine supplementation volumizes the muscles, which in turn strengthens the muscle cells. With a higher muscle cell volume, you are generally stronger and will carry around more lean muscle mass.
  • Lactate (lactic acid): Creatine acts as a lactic acid buffer, delaying muscle fatigue and allowing you to work harder in every set or on the field.

Who uses creatine supplements?

Although creatine supplements are most popular with strength athletes and bodybuilders, they are basically perfect for anyone who is physically active. Creatine has been shown to increase endurance, strength and muscle mass. Creatine gives you an edge when you need to perform intense physical exertion and it gives you a boost of energy when the game is coming to an end or you want to set a personal best.

Creatine also has numerous health benefits. It strengthens muscle cells, helps fight disease, improves mental function and much more. Creatine is also a must for vegetarians who cannot consume creatine in the form of meat sources.

  • Bodybuilders: Bodybuilders use creatine to increase their lean muscle mass and for a boost of extra energy and strength.
  • Powerlifters: Powerlifters use creatine to get through intense workouts and for the strength gains it provides.
  • Endurance athletes: Runners, cyclists and other endurance athletes use creatine to boost performance during their training sessions and for its ability to provide a quick boost of energy.
  • Team sports: Athletes who play team sports rely on creatine for added strength and for extra energy when the game is on the line.
  • Body transformation: Creatine is not just for hardcore athletes. It's a basic supplement used by many people who want to change their lives and get back in shape. Creatine helps them to become stronger and perform better. In addition, the muscle mass built up with the help of creatine enables them to burn more fat.
  • Vegetarians: Vegetarians supplement with creatine to maintain good health. As already explained, a creatine deficiency can lead to numerous health problems.

Creatine supplements and natural sources of creatine

In general, the average person consumes about 1 gram of creatine in their daily diet. The following foods are rich in creatine:

  • Herring - 3 to 4.5 grams of creatine per pound of herring.
  • Pork - 2.25 grams of creatine per pound of pork.
  • Beef - 2 grams of creatine per pound of beef.
  • Salmon - 2 grams of creatine per pound of salmon.
  • Tuna - 1.8 grams of creatine per pound of tuna.
  • Cod - 1.35 grams of creatine per pound of cod.
  • Milk - 0.05 grams of creatine per pound of milk.
  • Cranberries - 0.001 grams of creatine per pound of cranberries.

It should be noted that chicken does not contain a substantial amount of creatine.

It is wise to supplement with a minimum of 5 grams of creatine per day. As you can see from the list above, you would have to eat very large amounts of meat per day to reach the 5 gram mark. Furthermore, as mentioned above, cooking reduces the creatine content of a food source. Natural food sources simply do not contain enough creatine to replace supplementation.

Creatine forms used in creatine supplements

Creatine monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is the king of the creatine supplement world. Creatine monohydrate is the most cost-effective form of creatine and has been extensively studied scientifically. It's popular because it works. No other legal, non-hormonal bodybuilding or sports supplement comes close to the potency of creatine monohydrate. Creatine monohydrate consists of 88% pure creatine bound to 12% water.

Early creatine products consisted of large, hard-to-digest particles. These early supplements often caused digestive problems. Most modern creatine products are micronized, resulting in particles that are 20 times smaller. Modern creatine products generally do not cause the digestive discomfort seen with some older creatine products.

Creatine ethyl ester

Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE for short) is a newer and extremely popular form of creatine. Only creatine monohydrate is more popular. Scientists have added an ester to the creatine molecule, making it much easier for it to penetrate cell membranes. For this reason, creatine ethyl ester is absorbed more quickly by the muscles.

Creatine anhydrous (anhydrous creatine)

Anhydrous creatine is the same as creatine monohydrate, but without the bound water. Compared to creatine monohydrate, anhydrous creatine provides about 6% more pure creatine per serving.

Creatine citrate

Creatine citrate appeared on the market not long after creatine monohydrate. Creatine citrate is a creatine molecule bound to a citric acid molecule. Since citric acid, as a component of the citrate cycle, helps to supply muscle tissue with aerobic energy, it is speculated that creatine citrate will provide the athlete with more energy. However, this theory has not yet been scientifically proven.

Creatine phosphate

Creatine phosphate is another early form of creatine. Creatine phosphate is a creatine molecule that is bound to a phosphate molecule. This binding is a process that occurs naturally within muscle cells. It was believed that binding creatine to phosphate would improve results. Ultimately, however, creatine phosphate was found to be less effective than creatine monohydrate.

Creatine malate

Creatine malate is a relatively new version of creatine. It is creatine that is chemically bound to malic acid. Malic acid has pretty much the same effects as citric acid and supports the muscles in aerobic energy production. There have been few studies on the effectiveness of creatine malate.

Creatine tartrate

Creatine tartrate is creatine bound to tartaric acid (tartaric acid). This form of creatine is often used in tablets, capsules, bars and chewable tablets. It has no known advantages over creatine monohydrate.

Magnesium creatine

Magnesium creatine is creatine that is chemically bound to magnesium. Magnesium supports the digestion of creatine by helping creatine to pass through the stomach. Magnesium is also involved in the process by which creatine phosphate is converted into ATP. Magnesium creatine has been shown to be an effective form of creatine. However, this only applies in a chemically bound state. The combined intake of magnesium and creatine in their pure form is not as effective as magnesium creatine.

Creatine glutamine taurine

This form of creatine is creatine that is bound to glutamine and taurine. Since both glutamine and taurine act as cell volumizers, it is hoped that their benefits will be enhanced when combined with creatine. Another benefit of taurine is that it has been shown to increase strength.

Creatine HMB

Creatine HMB is creatine that is chemically bound to HMB (beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate). HMB supports muscle regeneration and muscle growth. This form of creatine is easier for the body to digest. Once in the bloodstream, creatine and HMB are separated. Creatine HMB is a relatively new form of creatine that has very little scientific research to support its effectiveness.

Effervescent Creatine (Creatine Effervescent)

Effervescent creatine has been available on the market for several years. This form of creatine usually contains creatine monohydrate or creatine citrate in combination with citric acid and bicarbonate. When Effervescent Creatine is added to water, a chemical reaction takes place that produces creatine with a neutral charge. This form of creatine passes through the stomach better than creatine monohydrate. It is also stable in a dissolved state for longer, making it a good option for those who want to prepare their creatine solution a longer time before consumption.

Creatine Tirtrate

Creatine Tirtrate (not to be confused with Creatine Tartrate) works in a similar way to Effervescent Creatine. Creatine Tirtrate changes the pH of the solution when mixed with water, allowing for a more stable solution that is easier to digest.

Liquid creatine

Liquid creatine is a form of creatine that is completely dissolved in liquid and is supposedly easier to digest. Unfortunately, creatine is very unstable when dissolved, which meant that many early liquid creatine products were a flop. Modern forms of liquid creatine are more advanced and can be stored for up to a year.

Creatine chewing gum

Creatine chewing gums allow a slow, steady release of creatine as you chew.

Creatine with delayed release

Time-release creatine is a new creatine product. It provides a slow and steady release of creatine. Debates about the effectiveness of time-release creatine are heated. Due to the nature of its release, time-release creatine does not provide a high concentration of creatine in the blood. Many opponents of this form of creatine believe that a certain concentration stimulus threshold must be exceeded for creatine to be effective.

How should you use Kteatin for maximum results?

A look at creatine loading

The human body contains an average of 120 grams of creatine. 95% of this creatine is stored in skeletal muscle. In general, muscles can store an additional 30 to 40 grams of creatine, giving a total of 150 to 160 grams. Of course, the amount of muscle mass present is an important factor in this equation.

There are two primary ways to ingest or load creatine:

  • Fast loading: Fast loading involves taking 20 grams of creatine per day for 5 to 7 consecutive days, after which the daily dose is reduced to 5 to 10 grams. Creatine is generally used in 5 gram portions per intake and taken with non-acidic fruit juice or dextrose.
  • Slow loading: Slow loading or gradual loading simply involves taking 5 to 10 grams of creatine per day. Creatine is generally used in portions of 5 grams per dose and taken with non-acidic fruit juice or dextrose.

Both fast and slow loading are effective. It is recommended to experiment with both approaches and find out for yourself which approach is best for you.

Should you load with creatine?

There is no scientific research that speaks against the long-term use of creatine, but many experts recommend using creatine in cycles. 4 week cycles are very popular. Longer cycles can be used, but should not exceed 3 months. Here are some popular creatine intake cycles:

4 week cycle

  • Week 1 - Creatine loading, 20 grams per day (4 servings of 5 grams each).
  • Week 2 - 4 - Maintenance phase, 5 - 10 grams per day.
  • Week 5 - 8 - No creatine

9 week intake cycle

  • Week 1 - Creatine loading, 20 grams per day (4 servings of 5 grams each).
  • Week 2 - 7 - Maintenance phase, 5 - 10 grams per day.
  • Week 8 - 9 - No creatine

Taking creatine with carbohydrates / high-glycemic carbohydrates

It is recommended that you take your creatine in the form of 5 gram servings in combination with non-acidic fruit juice - preferably grapefruit juice. Creatine can also be taken in combination with the high-glycemic carbohydrate dextrose. Taking creatine in this way improves absorption. High glycemic carbohydrates such as dextrose cause an insulin release, which dramatically increases creatine absorption. It is recommended to use 70 grams of these carbohydrates to achieve a high insulin release.

When to take creatine supplements

There is no research that suggests a best time to take creatine. However, taking it after a workout seems to make logical sense. Creatine combines well with your waxy maize starch and whey protein post-workout. There is evidence that taking creatine with a 1 to 1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein can increase creatine absorption.

If you are loading creatine, then it is best to take creatine at the following times:

  • In the morning - 5 grams of creatine with grapefruit juice
  • Before training - 5 grams of creatine waxy maize starch
  • After training - 5 grams of creatine waxy maize starch and whey protein
  • In the evening - 5 grams of creatine with grapefruit juice

Creatine and water consumption

It is recommended that you drink adequate amounts of water while supplementing creatine. Creatine supplementation causes your muscle tissue to retain more water. Consuming too little fluid while taking creatine can lead to poorer results from creatine supplementation and in some cases even to mild dehydration.

Choosing the right creatine supplement

Price vs. quality

Not all creatine supplements are the same and the same applies to supplement manufacturers. It can be assumed that cheap supplements go hand in hand with lower quality. Manufacturers can reduce their costs by buying lower quality raw materials and/or using inferior filling methods and quality control.

Therefore, compare user reviews before choosing a creatine supplement. And if you can't find any reviews, it's advisable to check online forums.

Benefits of creatine monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate increases lean body mass, increases muscle hypertrophy (growth), increases strength gains and leads to a higher power release during short, intensive efforts. Creatine monohydrate has been proven effective over a period of more than 20 years and it is also an extremely inexpensive supplement. Creatine monohydrate has been extensively studied scientifically and there are well over 200 studies confirming the effectiveness of creatine monohydrate.

Benefits of creatine ethyl ester

Creatine ethyl ester (CEE for short) provides you with the same benefits in terms of muscle building, strength and performance as creatine monohydrate. It also has some additional benefits. Creatine ethyl ester is absorbed faster by the body than creatine monohydrate and is gentler on the stomach. The risk of feeling bloated is significantly lower with creatine ethyl ester. However, it should be noted that creatine ethyl ester has a very bitter taste. In addition, there are very few clinical studies conducted with creatine ethyl ester.

A comparison of different creatine supplements

Due to their popularity and effectiveness, creatine supplements are sold in many different forms.

Creatine monohydrate

The most popular form of creatine monohydrate is pure, micronized powder. Pure creatine monohydrate contains no calories, no carbohydrates, no protein and no fat. More advanced creatine monohydrate products contain flavorings and are sold as powdered drinks. It is not uncommon for creatine products to contain other added supplements such as glutamine, taurine, amino acid blends or even various other forms of creatine.

Creatine ethyl ester

Although it has a very bitter taste, creatine ethyl ester is also sold in pure form as a powder. In general, creatine ethyl ester products are slightly more expensive, but still offer very good value for money. Creatine ethyl ester products are very similar to creatine monohydrate products. Creatine ethyl ester is also sold as a flavored powder. You can also often find creatine ethyl ester with other forms of creatine in creatine blends. Due to its popularity, creatine ethyl ester is often offered mixed with other supplements.

Creatine tablets and capsules

You can find creatine tablets and capsules on the market in different price ranges and different compositions. Simple products of this type generally consist of pure creatine monohydrate or pure creatine ethyl ester. They are easy to swallow and generally more convenient than powder forms. Creatine capsules and tablets have no bitter aftertaste and generally do not cause a bloated feeling. However, creatine capsules and tablets tend to be absorbed more slowly by the body. There are also many advanced creatine products on the market in tablet and capsule form, many of which contain other supplements and proprietary blends. These products can enhance the benefits of creatine depending on their composition.

Benefits of creatine blends

Creatine blends are supplements that contain one or more forms of creatine mixed with other ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, simple carbohydrates and proprietary supplement blends that work to enhance the effects of creatine.

Creatine blends are generally developed based on the latest clinical research, which means they are well-designed creatine supplements of the highest quality.

The combination of creatine with other supplements

Creatine and waxy maize starch (Waxy Maize)

Creatine combines well with waxy maize starch. Creatine and waxy maize starch work well together before, during and after training. The simple sugars in waxy maize starch allow for optimal creatine absorption and ensure you get the most out of your training sessions.

Creatine with protein and carbohydrates

Research has shown that creatine taken with a 1:1 mix of simple carbohydrates (dextrose) and protein is an optimal combination for efficient and effective creatine absorption. This combination is almost as effective as taking creatine and dextrose alone. Therefore, creatine combines well with waxy maize starch and protein powders or protein bars. The pre- and post-workout stack of creatine, waxy maize starch and whey protein is particularly effective when it comes to maximizing training performance and accelerating recovery after training.

Creatine and pre-workout supplements

Most pre-workout supplements contain some form of a nitric oxide booster. The combination of creatine and nitric oxide makes for an amazingly effective pre-workout stack. The pump and energy will be very intense. The improved mental and physical state brought on by nitric oxide will allow you to aggressively perform more intense sets, maximizing the creatine effect and forcing your body to respond with new muscle growth.

Creatine and Intra-Workout Supplements

Intra-workout supplements generally include waxy maize starch, BCAAs, vitamins and minerals. Some intra-workout supplements also contain creatine, which is why additional creatine intake is often not necessary. Combining creatine with intra-workout formulas makes sense. As we have already seen, creatine is generally taken before or after training. Taking creatine in conjunction with an intra-workout formula can allow for rapid creatine absorption and delivery, allowing you to train past the point of exhaustion while preparing your body for recovery and growth.

Creatine and post-workout supplements

Most exercisers take creatine after their workout. Many post-workout formulas contain the powerful post-workout combination of creatine and waxy maize starch, saving you time and money.

Creatine and fat burner

Creatine is a natural fat burner because it helps you mobilize energy and allows you to train harder, longer and with more energy, resulting in more calories burned. Add a fat burner to the mix and you'll take your fat loss to a whole new level.

Creatine myths and facts

Is creatine a steroid?

No. Creatine is not a hormonal product. It is neither a testosterone precursor nor a prohormone. Creatine is a naturally occurring organic acid that helps to supply muscles with energy.

Does creatine supplementation have side effects?

No serious side effects have ever been observed in any clinical study conducted with creatine. After stopping creatine, you may feel that you have less energy. During creatine supplementation, it is also important to ensure that you drink enough fluids.

Does creatine make you fat?

No. Creatine draws water into the skeletal muscles and helps you gain more lean muscle mass. However, it does not make you fat.

Should pregnant women use creatine?

This question should be answered by a doctor. During pregnancy, women should consult their doctor before starting any new supplement.

Can women use creatine?

Of course! Creatine will help women tone their bodies and lose fat. Creatine is a perfect supplement for active, athletic women.

Should teenagers use creatine?

There is no evidence that judicious use of creatine by teenagers has any negative side effects. Creatine is a proven and safe supplement. Having said that, it should be noted that creatine has not been on the market long enough to eliminate the possibility that its use by teenagers could cause side effects.

Can vegetarians use creatine?

Absolutely. Vegetarians get very little creatine from the foods they eat. Creatine supplementation is more of a necessity than an option for vegetarians.

I have just started training. Can I use creatine?

Yes, creatine increases energy and strength and can enhance the efforts and muscle gains of a novice exerciser. Creatine is safe and effective for athletes at all stages of development. Creatine obviously cannot replace a good training approach, but it can support training efforts.


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