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8 ways in which you can optimize your fat burning with protein

8 Wege auf denen Du Deine Fettverbrennung mit Protein optimieren kannst

Are you looking for ways to optimize your fat burning? Increasing your protein intake could be the answer you're looking for. Learn 8 ways protein can help you lose fat.

It seems like more and more fad diets are finding their way into the fitness realm. Many claim to be the perfect solution for fat loss. However, even though some of these diets seem to show some effectiveness, most do not have a positive impact on the majority of people who try them (mostly because these diets are difficult to stick to in the long term).

This is unfortunate as many people are really desperate to lose body fat and will try anything that promises quick fat loss results.

The reasons for wanting to lose fat are varied and include the desire for better health, increased energy, better performance, a hard and defined body for competitive athletes or simply the desire to feel and look better.

Whatever the reason, fat loss is a goal that most of us share. And whether we plan to cut a better figure on the competition stage in our posing briefs or simply look better in our new jeans, shedding a few excess pounds will go a long way.

Forget those fad diets and increase your protein intake!

There is no one diet that is best for everyone interested in lowering their body fat percentage. Anyone who offers you a one-size-fits-all approach to effective fat loss is either ill-informed or oversimplifying a very complex topic. However, there is a "universal truth" when it comes to fat loss diets. The effectiveness of this undisputedly essential fat loss component has been proven time and time again through scientific studies and real life experience. The real secret to fat loss success is protein.

Yes, increased protein intake is almost always the most important component of any successful fat loss program.

Let's take a look at the multitude of reasons why eating more protein is so effective when it comes to reducing body fat and positively changing body composition.

1. protein has the strongest thermic effect of all nutrients

The thermic effect of food - also known as food-induced thermogenesis - refers to the amount of energy required to process food for use and storage (5, 21). Compelling scientific evidence suggests that higher protein intake increases food-induced thermogenesis to a far greater extent than diets with lower protein consumption (20, 24, 26, 27).

Consuming protein increases the amount of calories burned relative to the amount of calories consumed in the form of protein by 20 to 30%, whereas this value is only 10% for carbohydrates and 0.3% for fats (15).

In other words, for a 200 kcal intake of protein, the body will consume an astonishing 40 to 70 kcal to digest this protein. In contrast, consuming an identical amount of calories in the form of carbohydrates and fat will only burn 20 kcal and 6 kcal respectively due to the thermic effect of these nutrients.

While the average thermic effect of food is estimated to be around 10% of total calorie intake, this value can be significantly increased by increasing protein intake (23). When it comes to food-induced thermogenesis, protein is the undisputed leader. In fact, it has been shown that postprandial thermogenesis (thermogenesis after a meal) increases by 100% in healthy subjects on a high protein/low fat diet compared to a high carbohydrate/low fat diet (13).

Bodybuilders training for a competition will often increase their protein intake while reducing their carbohydrate and fat intake. As total calorie intake gradually decreases over the course of contest preparation, the increased protein intake will ensure sustained fat-burning thermogenesis at a higher level.

2. better satiety

Protein promotes a feeling of satiety. This is due to the fact that protein stabilizes blood sugar levels for longer, preventing the sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels associated with hunger and food cravings. Indeed, numerous scientific studies suggest that higher protein meals lead to reduced calorie intake at subsequent meals, which can be attributed in large part to a reduction in hunger (1, 12, 28, 30).

Research has also shown that different protein sources affect satiety differently (22). While animal protein has a 2% greater satiating effect compared to vegetable protein, it has been shown that whey protein has the strongest satiating effect of all protein sources (18, 29).

This effect is attributed to the faster gastric passage of whey protein. The faster the gastric transit and the subsequent increase in plasma amino acid levels after consumption of a specific protein source, the stronger the satiating effect due to the increased stimulating effects on hormones of the digestive tract (10).

Staying on plan nutritionally is the most difficult task for otherwise dedicated exercisers and whenever whey protein is used, the extreme hunger associated with calorie restriction can be significantly reduced.

Digestion of protein also increases circulating levels of the digestive tract hormones peptide tyrosine (PYY) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), signaling satiety to the body and reducing appetite (6 21, 25). Because these hormones play a critical role in the subsequent reduction of food intake, protein-rich meals make it much easier to continue eating smaller meals and consume fewer total calories throughout the day.

3. increased protein synthesis

Increased protein intake promotes a higher rate of muscle protein synthesis, which is primarily fueled by energy supplied in the form of fats and carbohydrates. Thus, by consuming more protein and the energy required for protein synthesis, you can force your body to burn more calories at rest and thus become a more efficient fat-burning machine (3, 14).

In fact, the energy cost of protein metabolism will most likely result in a disproportionate increase in energy requirements (14).

Provided that sufficient protein is consumed to supply the raw material required for the growth of all body tissues, this adds up to an increased metabolic rate, higher calorie consumption and increased fat burning.

4. protein promotes gluconeogenesis

Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway that results in the formation of carbohydrates from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates (16).

When you follow a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet plan, gluconeogenesis is induced to a greater extent, which helps maintain stable blood glucose levels and results in a reduction in hunger (and lower calorie consumption).

Innermitochondrial membrane antiporters (integral membrane proteins involved in the secondary active transport of two or more different molecules or ions across the phospholipid membrane) are required for gluconeogenesis to occur. These innermitochondrial power plants are required for the production of energy and optimization of the fat-burning reaction.

Without sufficient amounts of dietary protein, glucose can also be produced from existing protein stores (muscle tissue) via the process of gluconeogenesis. In order to prevent this - and thus also muscle breakdown in the absence of sufficient amounts of blood sugar (e.g. during a calorie-restricted diet) - sufficient protein consumption is absolutely essential.

Gluconeogenesis is a process driven by demand and not by the availability of the substrate (protein). This means that, depending on the specific energy needs (which can change from hour to hour), the body uses the amino acids circulating in the bloodstream either for the process of muscle protein synthesis (for muscle building and repair) or to stabilize blood glucose levels.

We therefore need to ensure that we have a sufficient intake of dietary protein so that both energy production is efficient and muscle protein stores remain full.

5 Protein keeps insulin levels low

Protein consumption is not associated with unhealthily high insulin levels. High protein intake coupled with controlled lower carbohydrate intake can therefore keep insulin secretion under control, keeping blood glucose levels more stable and less likely to lead to fat storage (7, 17).

As a storage hormone that transports nutrients from the bloodstream to different cells in the body, insulin is considered to be highly anabolic and of great importance for muscle building (9). However, large amounts of insulin in the bloodstream are associated with the synthesis and storage of body fat, based in large part on the higher concentrations of circulating blood glucose that cause this insulin secretion.

Supporting the control of insulin secretion may therefore be an important way to promote fat loss (17).

In addition to its role in storing nutrients, insulin can also inhibit the breakdown of body fat stored in fat cells and promote the accumulation of more body fat. Although the overall picture of fat burning and blood glucose levels is about more than simply lowering insulin levels by reducing total carbohydrate intake and increasing protein intake accordingly, it is generally accepted that protein does not have the same insulinogenic effects as carbohydrates.

Excessively and chronically elevated blood glucose levels are associated with fat storage, obesity and reduced energy levels.

Although protein can be converted to carbohydrate via the process of gluconeogenesis, and although excessive protein levels can potentially contribute to glucose production, the amounts of protein included in a typical bodybuilding diet require only small amounts of insulin and will only minimally raise blood glucose levels (8).

Thus, a diet rich in high quality protein and low in carbohydrates can help stabilize blood glucose levels and help prevent fat storage.

6. protein increases feelings of overall well-being

Scientific research has shown that people who follow a higher protein fat loss diet regularly report an increased sense of relaxation (without insomnia), a greater sense of satisfaction and are generally calmer compared to people who follow a lower protein, higher carbohydrate diet. In addition to this, people who consume more protein tend to have more energy and increased mental clarity.

The more relaxed and calm and less stressed we are, the less likely we are to binge on high calorie/high fat/high sugar foods. Whenever we are stressed, the body releases a hormone called cortisol. One of the functions of cortisol is to increase appetite in conjunction with the motivation to eat more.

Along with cortisol release, an emotionally stressed person tends to develop a preference for foods high in fat and sugar, which cause a feedback response that deactivates parts of the brain that produce stress (11).

Although these foods may temporarily control stress, eating them for feel-good reasons is a sure path to diet disaster. Diets that are higher in protein can promote an emotionally balanced state and clearer thinking (4, 19). By eating more protein-rich foods, we can better control our stress levels and prevent stress-induced bingeing.

7 Protein repairs muscle and builds muscle

A higher protein intake is associated with an increase in lean muscle mass in the form of muscle. More muscle results in higher total energy expenditure and more calories burned throughout the day.

As a metabolically active tissue, muscle tissue has rightfully earned the reputation of being a metabolic booster that delivers consistent fat burning results. The more muscle mass we have, the more calories we burn at rest and the leaner we will ultimately become.

Trying to get lean without emphasizing muscle development is an extremely difficult task.

Cardio training and a strict diet can actually lower the metabolic rate due to the body's genetic predisposition to maintain body fat for the purpose of survival. However, by building more muscle and thus increasing the amount of energy needed to maintain your muscles, you can jump-start the fat loss process.

Without adequate dietary protein intake, there can be no muscle protein synthesis and no protein synthesis equals no muscle gains and a very slow metabolic rate.

8. improvement of fat oxidation

Due to several factors such as lower levels of fat mobilizing hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine, overweight people generally suffer from impaired fat oxidation after meals.

However, studies have shown that an increased protein intake can greatly alleviate this problem and allow the body to lose body fat more easily (2).

Build muscle and lose fat

If you want to get lean fast, there's one thing you should do immediately and without delay if you haven't already: increase your protein intake. Fat burning and muscle building are both dependent on an adequate amount of dietary protein.

Without a solid portion of protein at every meal, you will achieve minimal muscle gains and suffer from a sluggish metabolism, poor concentration, low motivation and overconsumption of nutritionally worthless junk food.

Anyone interested in improving their body composition should increase their protein intake by consuming high quality foods and supplements such as whey protein, lean meats (including poultry, beef, pork and fish) low-fat cottage cheese (which also provides a mega dose of bone-building calcium) and eggs (the best of all protein sources among whole foods).

Fat loss can be significantly enhanced by an increase in thermogenesis, an increased feeling of fullness after meals, lean muscle mass, mental well-being, adherence to an appropriate diet and control of insulin secretion. Protein does all this and more.

So forget all those fad diets and extreme fat loss approaches. To drastically reduce your body fat you should simply increase your consumption of high quality protein!


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