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Creatine increases strength and muscle mass in patients suffering from dystrophy

Kreatin steigert Kraft und Muskelmasse bei Patienten, die unter Dystrophie leiden

Muscular dystrophy is a disease characterized by progressive degeneration of muscle tissue due to the absence of dystrophin - a protein that helps muscle cells resist mechanical stress. Doctors can treat this disease with corticosteroids, but this drug also has serious side effects.

Researchers from Germany examined the literature on the effects of creatine monohydrate supplementation on reducing the symptoms of muscular dystrophy. They examined 12 studies with a total of 266 subjects. Creatine improved neuromuscular function and overall quality of life in subjects suffering from dystrophy, while reducing muscle tissue breakdown. Creatine monohydrate increases muscle creatine phosphate levels, which are an important source of energy. It also has a direct influence on protein synthesis and neuromuscular function. Short and medium-term creatine supplementation improves muscle strength in people suffering from muscular dystrophy and is also well tolerated. Creatine is not only an effective supplement for bodybuilders and strength athletes but also has important applications in the field of medicine.
(The Cochrane Database of Systematic Review, published online, issue 1, 2007)

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