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The expert fat loss guide part 3

Der Experten Fettabbau Ratgeber Teil 3

Having covered nutrition during fat loss in the first two parts of this article, this third part will look at training - cardio and resistance training - during fat loss and then take a closer look at some supplements that can support your fat loss efforts via different mechanisms.


Some people love cardio training, while others hate it. Regardless of which side you're on, the only thing that matters is that you need to do cardio if you're serious about getting lean. When I say cardio, I'm not talking about taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Low intensity cardio will not give you what you are after. For serious fat loss, you need serious cardio.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

Just as the name suggests, HIIT involves intervals of very high intensity alternating with breaks or periods of low intensity. Sprints are a good example of this. When you do sprints, you give it your all for a short period of time, followed by a recovery phase. This is repeated over and over again.

There are those who claim that HIIT is less effective than low-intensity cardio training over a longer period of time. Their reasoning is that most of the calories burned during a HIIT workout come from muscle glycogen stores (carbohydrates) and not from fat tissue. This is true, but not a bad thing. Scientific research has proven that it makes no difference whether stored carbohydrates or stored fat are used as an energy source. The only thing that matters is the number of total calories burned, and more calories are burned during a HIIT workout than during low to moderate intensity cardio.

Another reason that HIIT is so effective is that the post-workout fat burn is much higher with HIIT than with other types of cardio training. This basically means that even after your workout is over, your metabolism will be running like a blast furnace. This is the amazing fat-burning power of HIIT.

Another misconception about HIIT is that it can cause muscle loss. This is also not true. This myth is based on the fact that during a HIIT workout, a higher amount of calories burned come from amino acids (muscle mass) compared to low-intensity cardio. However, as long as HIIT training sessions are kept short enough, muscle loss is not a problem. It has even been shown that muscle growth and muscle maintenance can even be increased due to the effects that HIIT training has on the levels of anabolic hormones. A HIIT training session lasting just 10 to 15 minutes can increase testosterone levels and growth hormone levels for hours after training.

Since growth hormones are potent fat-burning hormones, this will further increase fat burning after the workout. Short duration sessions simply preserve muscle mass better than long cardio workouts. Compare the body of a sprinter with that of a marathon runner. Both are runners, but their bodies are drastically different.

The only downside to HIIT is that it can't be done as many times a week without the risk of overtraining. Because HIIT training has similar effects in many ways to training with weights, it can put a strain on the central nervous system. For this reason, HIIT should be limited to two training sessions of 10 to 20 minutes per week. These two workouts should be performed on days when you are not training with weights and should be treated like weight training sessions in terms of nutrition.

Cardio training with moderate intensity

Since only two HIIT workouts can be performed per week, another type of cardio workout is needed for the rest of your cardio workouts during the week. Moderate intensity cardio is the perfect type of cardio for every remaining cardio session you have to do during the week. This will burn a lot of calories without sacrificing much muscle tissue and burn fat via a different pathway than HIIT.

Moderate intensity cardio is performed at a moderate intensity for a moderate duration. The type of cardio training performed does not matter. The only thing that matters is that you choose a moderate intensity and maintain it for the entire duration of the training session. If you are not able to maintain the intensity throughout the entire training session, then the intensity was too high and must be reduced in the next training session. 65 to 70% of maximum intensity is best to burn an optimal amount of calories without reaching the point where the intensity becomes too high and the workout becomes more anaerobic than aerobic.

Performing cardio workouts can be extremely catabolic and therefore your cardio workouts should only be of moderate duration. While HIIT workouts should last 10 to 20 minutes, moderate intensity cardio workouts should be in the 25 to 30 minute range. Once a cardio session exceeds this duration, the cumulative effect of muscle tissue breakdown becomes a serious concern.

How many training sessions per week?

We have already established that 2 HIIT training sessions of 10 to 20 minutes duration should be performed per week. These workouts should tend to start in the 10 minute range and increase in duration as needed.

The amount and duration of moderate intensity cardio workouts will depend more on individual needs. If fat loss is not happening fast enough with just 2 HIIT workouts per week, then 1 to 2 moderate intensity cardio workouts per week need to be added. Start with just 1 to 2 of these workouts per week. If necessary, the number can be increased to up to 4 training sessions per week. Simply increase the amount and duration of your moderate intensity cardio workouts as needed to keep the fat loss going. However, your cardio training sessions should not exceed 35 minutes.

Cardio training in a fasting state

Over the years, fasted cardio has become a very popular method for fat loss. Fasting cardio means that you do cardio on an empty stomach in the morning after waking up, before breakfast. The reason this has become a popular fat loss method is because fasted cardio increases the percentage of calories that come from fat while minimizing the amount of glycogen used for energy. However, as we will see later, it does not matter whether the energy comes from fat or carbohydrates - fat loss will be the same regardless of the substrate.

Cardio training in a fasting state is not only not beneficial, but can even have disastrous consequences. Fasting cardio may result in a higher use of fat, but it also results in a higher use of amino acids, which equates to more muscle breakdown. And as if that wasn't enough, scientific research has also shown that fasted cardio training results in far fewer total calories burned during the training session. This simply means that cardio training in a fasted state will result in less fat loss compared to cardio training in a nourished state. So make sure you have some food in your body before you do your cardio workout.

Training with weights

Training with weights can seem like an afterthought in many fat loss plans. This is a big mistake, as working out with weights burns a large amount of calories and increases your metabolic rate for hours after your workout. Many people mistakenly believe that the best way to lose fat is to stop training with weights and focus on cardio. While this will cause you to lose weight, most of it will not be fat.

With a fat loss plan, it is important to make a clear distinction that the goal is not just weight loss, but fat loss. If you stop training with weights, you will burn fewer calories, have a slower metabolism and less muscle tissue. This is not the ideal recipe for looking good.

The importance of muscle for fat loss

In a fat loss plan, it is important to build and maintain as much muscle mass as possible. There are many people who think that training with weights will make them look bulky. This is very unusual for a natural exerciser. When someone looks bulky, the culprit is usually too much fat and not too much muscle mass.

Muscle tissue is biologically active tissue, which means it consumes calories even at rest. Some studies have shown that 1 pound of muscle mass can burn up to 50 Kcal per day. Although more recent research has shown that this figure is probably far too high, it still means that building more muscle mass means you can eat significantly more per day while continuing to lose fat. This is one of the many reasons why it is so important to maintain muscle tissue during fat loss. Training with weights for fat loss

Now that we know that training with weights is essential for optimal fat loss, we need to make sure we're doing it right. Somehow it has become a "generally accepted fact" that you need to use light weights and lots of repetitions for fat loss. But this is nothing more than another myth that simply isn't true.

Training with weights is just as important for maintaining existing muscle mass as it is for building muscle mass. Think of it this way: the best way to build muscle is also the best way to maintain muscle. Using lighter weights will do nothing more than slow down your metabolic rate and sacrifice muscle and strength.

The best approach to training with weights while dieting is to train with primarily heavy multi-joint exercises, working each muscle group one to two times per week. If you neglect any part of your body, it's just a missed opportunity to burn extra calories - both during and after your workout. A well-balanced weight training program should include heavy weights and low repetitions as well as light weights and high repetitions. Both methods will build muscle, but through different pathways and for this reason it is important to include both styles of training in your program.

Abdominal training

Walk into any gym and you'll see dozens of people doing endless sets and reps of different ab exercises. If you take a closer look at these people, you'll notice that none of them have visible abs. And there is a reason for this: No amount of ab workouts will allow you to see your abs.

Ab workouts don't burn fat around your midsection. Ab workouts will only work the abdominal muscles that are underneath the fat that covers them. The only way to see these muscles is to lose the layers of fat through diet, cardio and a workout with weights that cover the abs.

An abdominal workout will generate a muscular abdominal muscle area, which will make your midsection more attractive once the fat covering it is gone. Treat the abs like any other muscle group and train them once or twice a week. This, combined with the right diet and cardio training, will put you on the road to the coveted six-pack.


Whey protein

Whey protein is best known for its ability to accelerate muscle growth and recovery, which is crucial during any fat loss plan. Many of the benefits of whey protein are due to its fast digestion rate and high concentration of the amino acid leucine. It is important to remember that anything used to build muscle will also maintain muscle mass during the diet.

While the benefits of whey protein for muscle growth are well known, most people are unaware of the uses of whey protein while dieting. Studies have shown that subjects who consumed whey protein lost more fat and maintained more muscle mass for the same calorie intake compared to subjects who did not consume whey protein. Whey protein improves metabolic function and increases insulin sensitivity.

All these benefits make whey protein a must during a diet. Whey protein should be consumed directly after training due to its rapid digestibility. Whey protein can of course also be used at other times of the day to meet protein requirements.

EFA (essential fatty acids)

Essential fatty acids are - as the name suggests - essential for the human body because they play an important role in many biological processes. Essential fatty acids differ from other fats in that the body cannot produce them itself. This means that essential fatty acids must be obtained from food. If you do not consume enough essential fatty acids, the body will perceive that it does not have the nutrients it needs to function properly. As a result, it will hold on to its stored fat. However, this is only one of the reasons why essential fatty acids are so important.

Essential fatty acids have a wide range of applications, including the following:

  • Reducing the amount of body fat
  • Increasing the absorption of amino acids
  • Reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure
  • Improving cardiovascular health
  • Increasing insulin sensitivity
  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Improve joint health
  • EFAs are necessary for proper brain function
  • EFAs are needed for the repair of damaged cell membranes
  • Increase the ability of cell membranes to transport nutrients in and out of the cell
  • EFAs serve as a substrate for signaling molecules (eicosanoids)

These applications go far beyond fat loss. Some of these benefits may seem to have little or no effect on your fat loss efforts, but it is important to note that a body that is functioning properly will also have a metabolism that is running at full capacity.

An excellent way to get essential fatty acids is to supplement with fish oil and linseed oil. 5 to 10 grams will meet the body's needs.


Creatine phosphate is stored in muscle tissue and is a source of stored energy that is used to provide energy during short periods of high-intensity exercise. Creatine phosphate stored in the muscles supports your body's primary source of energy used during the first few seconds of performing any type of exercise, known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Your body uses ATP during the first five seconds of any workout such as a weights workout and then uses stored creatine phosphate to regenerate ATP and provide energy for another 5 to 8 seconds. This entire process lasts for about 15 seconds. Creatine supplements help to store the amount of creatine phosphate stored in your muscle tissue, which will allow you to perform more repetitions with more weight.

Creatine is by far the most scientifically researched supplement available on the market and countless studies confirm its effects. These studies have proven beyond doubt that creatine can lead to significant muscle growth over time. Creatine supplementation can both increase muscle growth and promote muscle maintenance. This extra muscle tissue will in turn lead to a higher metabolic rate, which is one reason why creatine supplementation is a good choice for any fat loss plan.

To get the most out of creatine, you should consume 5 to 10 grams of creatine per day.

The correct use of caffeine

Caffeine and products containing caffeine are excellent fat loss tools. This is primarily due to the stimulating effect of caffeine. This effect increases thermogenesis - the production of body heat - which leads to a higher metabolic rate at rest and therefore a higher consumption of calories.

In addition to this, caffeine can significantly increase training performance and thus actively support the maintenance of muscles during a diet. In this respect, caffeine can not only help you to reduce potential diet-related fatigue, but it can also directly increase the performance of your muscles. The latter refers to both muscle endurance and contractile strength, which means you can perform more repetitions with heavier weights. This equates to a stronger stimulus for muscle building and maintenance.

However, caffeine and other stimulants also have a downside. Since stimulants affect the central nervous system, using them too often or for too long can lead to symptoms that in some ways resemble overtraining. This can lead to reduced energy, muscle breakdown and ultimately a reduced metabolic rate as the body tries to conserve energy.

Caffeine also has significant effects on the adrenal glands in the adrenal cortex. The adrenal glands regulate a number of hormone levels in the body, including the levels of the "fight or flight" hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline. Caffeine causes these hormones to be released, giving you a short-term energy boost. However, problems arise when the stimulation of the adrenal glands becomes chronic. This eventually leads to adrenal exhaustion - a kind of burnout of the adrenal glands that can affect energy levels, metabolism and digestion.

Even though caffeine is an excellent tool, it should be used in moderation. For example, to stimulate thermogenesis and metabolism, it is recommended to use 100 to 200 mg of caffeine once or twice a day for one to two weeks in a row, followed by 1 to 2 weeks completely without caffeine and caffeine-containing products. To increase exercise performance and support muscle maintenance, caffeine could be used only before the hardest workouts of the week.

An excellent way to consume caffeine before training is to use pre-workout boosters containing caffeine. These supplements often contain stimulants and supporting ingredients to increase the metabolic rate and boost training energy. No additional caffeine should be consumed when using such training boosters.

Green tea

Green tea is an excellent fat loss supplement and contains polyphenol antioxidants as an added bonus. The potent effects of green tea are primarily based on the polyphenols it contains. The most effective metabolism booster among these polyphenols is epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG for short. This polyphenol has the ability to stimulate thermogenesis in a similar way to caffeine, but without having a stimulating effect or stressing the central nervous system.

Since the fat-burning effects of green tea are primarily based on EGCG, it is best to use a green tea extract that is standardized for its EGCG content. Consumption of green tea will have minimal effects in this regard as it contains quite small amounts of EGCG, ranging from 6 to 10%. Some green tea extracts, on the other hand, have an EGCG content of 30 to 50%, so it is best to look for a green tea extract with as high an EGCG content as possible.

BCAAs - not just for muscle growth

The 3 branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine have long been known to be excellent for preventing muscle tissue breakdown and promoting the build-up of new muscle tissue. What most people don't realize is that BCAA supplementation can significantly increase the use of fatty acids for energy by reducing protein breakdown for energy.

BCAAs can therefore support fat loss with a double blow. Firstly, they increase muscle growth, which will ultimately lead to a higher metabolic rate and secondly, they increase the use of fat to fuel the body. This makes BCAAs one of the most effective supplements available on the market.

To get the most out of your BCAA supplementation, it is best to consume 8 to 12 grams during training and another 20 grams throughout the day between meals. This will optimize both muscle maintenance and fat loss.

What happens next

As you lose weight, you will probably reach a point where your weight loss stagnates. When this happens, it's time to recalculate your diet plan with your new body weight. Over the course of your diet you will lose weight and it is therefore necessary that you adjust your nutritional intake to your new slimmer self.

Body fat loss is different for everyone. Some are trying to lose a few pounds of fat, others want to achieve visible abs and still others want to become extremely defined. The goals may be different, but the basic principles that will help you achieve these goals remain the same. Follow this guide and your future will be characterized by shorter belts, better abs and many new excuses to take your shirt off in public.


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