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Losing weight and keeping the new weight off can be difficult and many people try to find a quick fix to their weight problems. This has created a thriving industry for weight loss supplements that are claimed to make things easier. One of the supplements currently in the spotlight is Meratrim, a natural supplement consisting of two herbal compounds that are claimed to block fat storage. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the science behind Meratrim and how effective this supplement is in supporting weight loss.

What is Meratrim and how does it work?

Meratrim was developed by the company InterHealth Nutraceuticals as a weight loss supplement. This company has examined numerous plant-based active ingredients to see whether they can change the metabolism of fat cells. The extracts of two plants - sphaeranthus indicus and garcinia mangostana - proved to be effective and were combined in Meratrim in a ratio of 3:1. Both plants have been used in traditional medicine in the past (1, 2).

Interhealth Nutraceuticals claims that Meratrim has the following effects (3)

  • Meratrim is said to make it harder for fat cells to multiply.
  • Meratrim is said to reduce the amount of fat that fat cells absorb from the bloodstream.
  • Meratrim should help fat cells to burn stored fat.

It should be borne in mind that these results are based on studies carried out in test tubes. The body as a whole often reacts differently than isolated cells.

Does Meratrim work?

A study funded by InterHealth Nutraceuticals investigated the effect of taking Meratrim over a period of 8 weeks. A total of 100 obese adults took part in the study (4). This study was a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, which is the gold standard of scientific research.

In this study, the subjects were divided into 2 groups

  • The Meratrim group: The subjects in this group took 400 mg of Meratrim 30 minutes before breakfast and before dinner.
  • Placebo group: The subjects in this group took 400 mg of a placebo at the same times.

Both groups followed a strict 2,000 kcal diet and were instructed to walk for 30 minutes each day. At the end of the study, members of the Meratrim group had lost an average of 5.2 kilos, while the placebo group had lost only 1.5 kilos. The subjects who had taken this supplement also lost 11.9 centimeters in abdominal circumference, compared to just 6 centimeters in the placebo group. This is significant, as abdominal fat is closely associated with numerous diseases. The Meratrim group also showed greater improvements in BMI (body mass index) and hip circumference. Although weight loss is often seen primarily as a benefit to physical health, the benefits to quality of life should also be considered. Subjects taking the Meratrim supplement reported significantly improved physical function and self-confidence, as well as reduced stress in public, compared to subjects in the placebo group.

Other health markers also improved

  • Total cholesterol: Cholesterol levels fell by 28.3 mg/dl in the Meratrim group, while a reduction of only 11.5 mg/dl was observed in the placebo group.
  • Triglycerides: The blood levels of this marker fell by 68.1 mg/dl in the Meratrim group, while they only fell by 40.8 mg/dl in the placebo group.
  • Fasting blood glucose: Fasting blood glucose levels fell by 13.4 mg/dl in the Meratrim group, while a reduction of only 7 mg/dl was observed in the placebo group.

These improvements in health markers may reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other serious illnesses in the long term. However, while these results are impressive, it is important to keep in mind that this study was funded by the company that produces and sells this product. The funding of a study can often influence the outcome (5, 6).

Side effects, dosage and method of use

No study has reported any side effects from Meratrim when used at the recommended dosage of 800 mg divided into two single doses per day. Meratrim appears to be safe and well tolerated (4). Possible side effects of higher doses have not been studied in humans. Safety assessments and toxicity evaluations in rats concluded that no adverse side effects were observed at doses below one gram per kilogram of body weight (7).


Meratrim is a weight loss supplement that combines extracts of two medicinal plants. An eight-week study funded by the manufacturer concluded that this supplement is highly effective.

