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American wood lily

The American wood lily is a plant whose root, root stem and leaves are used to make medicine.

Despite safety concerns, women use the American wood lily for a heavy and painful menstrual period. American wood lily is also used to reduce swelling and clear the airways. Some people apply American wood lily extracts directly to the skin for varicose veins, ulcers, skin abrasions and bleeding hemorrhoids.

How does American wood lily work?

There is not enough information available to know how American wood lily works.

How effective is American wood lily?

There is not enough scientific data to make a statement about the effectiveness of American wood lily when taken orally for heavy menstrual periods and menstrual cramps, swelling and to clear the airways, and when applied to the skin for varicose veins, skin ulcers, abrasions and bleeding hemorrhoids. Further scientific research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of American wood lily in these applications.

Safety and side effects

Oral ingestion of American wood lily and extracts from this plant may not be safe and harmless. Components of this plant may cause irritation of the stomach and digestive organs as well as nausea. There is not enough information to assess whether wood lily applied to the skin is safe and harmless. There are some reports of skin irritation.

Precautions and warnings

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It is not safe to use American wood lily during pregnancy. Products made from this plant may induce menstruation or uterine contractions. These effects could trigger a miscarriage

Heart disease: The American wood lily contains a chemical that could aggravate heart disease. For this reason, people with heart problems should not use American wood lily.


There is currently no information on interactions.


An appropriate dosage of American wood lily depends on various factors such as age, health status and others. At this time, there is insufficient scientific data to determine appropriate dosage ranges for products made from American wood lily. For this reason, you should follow the dosage instructions on the label and/or consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.