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6th Gear Creatine Complex · 1135g

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Original price €34,90
Original price €34,90 - Original price €34,90
Original price €34,90
Current price €29,32
€29,32 - €29,32
Current price €29,32
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  • Patented sixfold creatine complex
  • Unique combination with alpha-lipoic acid and beta-alanine
  • Noticeable results from the first dose
  • Extreme increase in rock-hard muscle mass and muscle strength
  • Optimum insulin sensitivity and absorption in the body
Nährwerte und Inhaltsstoffe
Nutritional table2 scoops 57g% NRV
6th Gear Creatine Complex6000mg
Creatine Pyruvate****
Creatine ethyl ester****
Creatine AKG****
Creatine anhydrous****
Creatine HCA****
Creatine monohydrate****
Beta Stack2000mg**
Beta Alanine****
Alpha lipoic acid****
Double Energy Complex2460mg
Taurine ethyl ester HCI****
Taurine Ketoisocaproic acid Calcium****
Nitric Oxide Enhancer1000mg
L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate****
L-arginine ketoisocaproic acid****
Tri Calcium Phosphate70mg**
Tri Sodium Citrate23mg**

*Prozent der empfohlenen täglichen Verzehrmenge laut Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1196/2011

**Keine Nährstoffbezugswerte (NRV) vorhanden.


Einnahmeempfehlung NVE 6th Gear Creatine Complex

Zweimal täglich einnehmen. An trainingsfreien Tagen morgens 2 Maßlöffel aufgelöst in 200 ml Wasser und abends 2 Maßlöffel aufgelöst in 200 ml Wasser. An Trainingstagen 4 Maßlöffel aufgelöst in 400 ml Wasser direkt nach dem Training. Für optimale Resultate mindestens 8 Wochen anwenden.


The recommended daily intake must not be exceeded. Food supplements should not be consumed as a substitute for a balanced diet.

Laboranalyse von 6th Gear Creatine Complex · 1135g als PDF hier herunterladen

Inhalt: 1135g Artikelnr.: 2916A

NVE 6th Gear Creatine Complex Patented sixfold creatine complex!

Creatine monohydrate was once a major breakthrough. Strength training in high gear. After a few years came the second and third generation of creatines. These were often esterified creatines that worked even better and faster. These older forms of creatine went a long way, but that's nothing compared to NVE 6th Gear Creatine Complex from STACKER-2. With this product, you'll be training in top gear. Once you've used NVE 6th Gear Creatine Complex, you'll never want to settle for anything less again. NVE 6th Gear Creatine Complex is the absolute top in the creatine segment. This is training in 6th gear!

  • patented sixfold creatine complex
  • unique combination with alpha-lipoic acid and beta-alanine
  • optimum insulin sensitivity and absorption in the body
  • noticeable results from the first dose
  • extreme increase in rock-hard muscle mass and muscle strength

Many creatine products consist of just one active ingredient: creatine (partly esterified). That's not a bad thing, of course, but what does it really do for you as a strength athlete? Sure, it gives you more strength, but that's about it. However, creatine can do much more if it comes in the right dosage form, if it is reinforced with similar active ingredients and if the insulin peak is optimized. Conventional creatine products fail on all these points, which means that the creatine is only partially absorbed and therefore only has a moderate effect. If you want to achieve real results, you have to look at the big picture. And that's what STACKER-2 does, which is why NVE 6th Gear Creatine Complex works so much better. It contains not just one, but six forms of creatine. In combination with a pharmaceutical version of beta-alanine, this provides a proper carnosine buffer. Carbohydrates accelerate general absorption and alpha-lipoic acid provides the necessary insulin spike. So your body pops the creatine and glycogen directly into the muscle cells. It is no coincidence that the results with NVE 6th Gear Creatine Complex are much better.

The unique effect of NVE 6th Gear Creatine Complex

In recent years, over a hundred well-founded scientific studies have been published on the effects of creatine. We were particularly interested in those studies that investigated how the effect of creatine intake can be further enhanced. It is undisputed that 6th Gear Creatine Complex contains the strongest creatine. And, not unimportantly, no single product contains all six types of creatine combined. Each dose provides you with 6,000 mg of high-quality creatine.

NVE 6th Gear Creatine Complex is the absolute top in the creatine segment.

Creatine in itself is already great, but stacked with beta-alanine it takes you even further. Beta-alanine is a precursor of carnosine. Carnosine neutralizes hyperacidity in the muscles. The more carnosine, the later acidosis occurs and the longer you can lift heavy weights. Each dose of 6th Gear Creatine Complex contains enough beta-alanine to increase the amount of carnosine in the muscles by up to 80%.

However, taking creatine and beta-alanine alone is not enough. What counts is the absorption of these substances in the muscles. To pump the full 8,000 mg of creatine and beta-alanine into your muscle cells, STACKER-2 makes use of the unique effect of alpha-lipoic acid. Alpha-lipoic acid increases insulin sensitivity and glycogen storage in the body and thus optimizes the absorption of creatine and beta-alanine. Convince yourself of the unique, optimal effect of NVE 6th Gear Creatine Complex. Don't let yourself be fobbed off with mediocre preparations any longer, but go straight for the best and most effective creatine product available on the market.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
L. Nordmann
Schwierige Aussagen

Finde die Aussagen schwierig "Spürbares Ergebnis ab der ersten Einnahme" und "Extreme Zunahme von knallharter Muskelmasse und Muskelkraft"

Kilian L.
Super Supplement

Go To kreatin für mich persönlich

Oskar Schmitt

Warum sollte man sich mit Monohydrat zufrieden geben, wenn es das hier gibt


Mega das Produkt !!! 🔥🔥🔥💪🏽💪🏽