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Anti Stress · 90 capsules

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Reduce the harmful effects of stress on your well-being, performance and health while supporting your recovery after intense physical training

  • Can reduce the risk of burnout
  • Has pronounced adaptogenic properties
  • Lowers the level of the catabolic (muscle-degrading) stress hormone cortisol
  • Can accelerate regeneration after training
  • Can help with stress (physical and mental)
  • Can alleviate the effects of stress such as fatigue, listlessness, anxiety and depression
  • Can increase mental performance
  • Can improve brain function, memory, attention and reaction time
  • Can potentially alleviate depression by regulating neurotransmitters in the brain
  • Strengthens the immune system and fights bacteria and viruses
  • Can alleviate symptoms of depression and improve mood
  • Can alleviate sleep disorders and insomnia and improve sleep quality
  • Could potentially counteract dementia and Alzheimer's in older people
Nährwerte und Inhaltsstoffe
Nutritional tableper 3 capsules% (NRV*)
Rhodiola rosea extract500 mg**
of which Rosavin15 mg**
thereof salidrosides6 mg**
Lemon balm extract 4:1500 mg**
Ashwagandha extract400 mg**
thereof withanolides40 mg**
Phosphatidylserine powder200 mg**
thereof phosphatidyl-L-serine100 mg**
Siberian ginseng200 mg**
thereof eleutherosides1.5 mg**
Gingko Biloba100 mg**
thereof ginkgo flavone glycosides24 mg**
Vitamin E24 mg200 %
Astaxanthin2 mg**

Zutaten: Rhodiola Rosea extract (3% rosavin, 1% salidrosides), lemon balm extract 4:1, ashwagandha extract (10% withanolides), bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, phosphatidylserine powder (of which 50% phosphatidyl-L-serine), Siberian ginseng extract (0.8% eleutherosides), capsule shell: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, gingko biloba extract (24% ginkgo flavone glycosides), DL-alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), blood rain algae powder (contains 1.5% astaxanthin)

*Prozent der empfohlenen täglichen Verzehrmenge laut Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1196/2011

**Keine Nährstoffbezugswerte (NRV) vorhanden.


Take 3 capsules a day with plenty of liquid.


Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrsmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung verwendet werden. Das Produkt ist außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern zu lagern.

Inhalt: 90 capsules Artikelnr.: 7966

Declare war on stress and protect your body from its harmful effects

In our hectic times, stress is the new scourge of humanity that hardly anyone can completely escape. Too much or chronic stress can lead to numerous problems such as restlessness, nervousness, concentration problems, headaches, irritability, sleep disorders, nightmares, gastrointestinal problems, heartburn, tension, anxiety, burnout and much more - and these are the more harmless effects. In the long term, stress can contribute to the development of illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes, serious depression and many more.

What most people don't take into account is that even hard physical exercise is stressful for the body and can further contribute to the negative effects of everyday stress.

To reduce all these negative effects of stress, we have developed Anti Stress. Anti Stress contains an innovative matrix of highly effective natural ingredients, many of which are known as adaptogens and have been shown in countless scientific studies to greatly reduce the negative effects of physical and mental stress.

These ingredients help your body to cope better with stress. So-called adaptogens have a calming effect on stress, but unlike sedatives, they also increase your mental and physical performance. In other words, they enable you to deal with stressful situations in a calm and focused manner without falling into a counterproductive hectic rush.

These effects are based, among other things, on a reduction in the stress-related release of the body's own stress hormone cortisol, which, if levels in the body are too high, can not only damage your health, but also break down muscles and cause an increase in fat - primarily in the abdominal area.

Another consequence of stress is a reduced function of the immune system and an increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. For this reason, Anti Stress contains a number of ingredients that stimulate the function of the immune system and have antiviral and antibacterial effects.

How can Anti Stress promote your regeneration and support your muscle building?

Anti Stress can not only reduce stress and improve your mental performance - it can also promote and accelerate your recovery after training. By preventing excess cortisol production even during high levels of physical stress - i.e. intensive training - your body can begin to recover more quickly after training.

In addition to this, another, less well-known phenomenon is significantly reduced - the almost inevitable breakdown of muscle substance during training. Yes, when you train, you first break down some muscle before more muscle mass is built up during post-workout recovery. You always take one step back and then two steps forward. Reducing the release of cortisol during training can minimize this muscle breakdown and thus accelerate your muscle building.

The highly effective, completely natural anti-stress active ingredient matrix

Rhodiola Rosea - standardized to 15 mg rosavin and 6 mg salidroside

  • Can reduce mental fatigue and increase mental performance (1, 2)
  • May improve sleep patterns and recovery (3)
  • May increase the body's resistance to mental and physical stress (4)
  • May alleviate exhaustion, fatigue, anxiety and depressive moods caused by stress and overexertion (5)
  • Can potentially alleviate depression (6, 7, 8)
  • May improve the function of the immune system (9, 10)
  • May have protective effects on the brain and nervous system (11, 12)

Lemon balm extract 4:1

  • May relieve anxiety, agitation, restlessness and stress (13, 14, 15)
  • Can alleviate sleep disorders and improve sleep quality (16, 17)
  • May promote memory, positive mood and cognitive performance (18, 19)

Ashwagandha extract - standardized to 40 mg withanolides (10%)

  • Acts as an adaptogen and can help the body cope better with stress (22, 23)
  • Can alleviate stress-induced anxiety and sleep disorders (24)
  • Can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol by up to 30% (20, 21)
  • May alleviate symptoms of depression (21)
  • May improve brain function, memory, alertness and responsiveness and protect nerve cells from free radical damage (25, 26, 27) ,33, 34


  • Can improve mental performance, mood and memory (28, 29)
  • May counteract age-related decline in cognitive function and memory (30)
  • May reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and help slow its progression (31, 32)
  • May potentially reduce ADHD symptoms (33)
  • May reduce levels of the catabolic stress hormone cortisol and thereby counteract cortisol-induced muscle breakdown (34, 35, 35)
  • Can promote calm in stressful situations and improve mood (37)
  • May alleviate symptoms of depression (38)

Siberian ginseng - standardized to 1.5 mg eleutherosides

  • May support immune system function and has antiviral effects (39, 40)
  • May reduce tiredness and fatigue, increase energy and improve mental focus (41, 42)
  • May promote and accelerate recovery after exercise (43, 44)
  • May improve the body's ability to cope with and recover from stress (45)

Ginkgo - standardized to 24 mg ginkgo flavone glycosides

  • Ginkgo may improve brain function and well-being (46)
  • Ginkgo may reduce symptoms of anxiety, mental disorders, depression and dementia (47, 48, 49, 50)
  • Ginkgo can improve memory performance (46)


  • Can reduce mental fatigue and improve cognitive abilities (51, 52)
  • May improve psychomotor skills and information processing speed (51, 52)
  • May protect brain cells from damage caused by toxins and other factors and promote their regeneration 54, 55)
  • May delay the ageing of the brain (53)
  • May support the function of the immune system (56)

Vitamin E

  • May support the function of the immune system
  • Is required for the transmission of electronic impulses in the brain and can have a positive effect on memory performance
  • Can protect the nerves from damage (57)

Customer Reviews

Based on 36 reviews
Mareike Scholler
Klasse Wirkung

Ich bin mit der Wirkung seh zufrieden volle Punktzahl

Julian Binder
Name ist nicht so meins

Mir gefällt der Name nicht, gegen Stress muss man Stress reduzieren, der ist ja nicht auf einmal weg weil man das SUpplement nimmt. Trotzdem solides Supplement

Jaro Leifeld
Super Dosierung der Inhaltsstoffe

Hier sind wirklich geile Inhaltsstoffe verarbietet, macht schon echt was her dass hier produkte rauskommen, wo die Wirkstoffe wirklich hoch dosiert und sinnvoll gewählt sind

Murat S.

Adaptogene sind einfach wichtig und biten richtig viele Vorteile, ich hoffe das Checken die Leute langsam mal

Laura Buchbinder
Nehme ich gerne

Zurzeit ist das jeden Abend in meinem Supplement Stack und ich bin wirklich sehr zufrieden damit, ich mag den Effekt