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Beet juice reduces muscle soreness

Rote Beete Saft reduziert den Muskelkater

Beet juice is a superfood. More than 50 studies have shown that beet juice improves blood vessel health, increases endurance, increases oxygenation, reduces the work of the heart during exercise and helps control blood pressure.

A study led by Tom Clifford of Northumbria University in England found that beet juice reduced muscle soreness and promoted recovery after high-intensity eccentric training consisting of vertical jumps (100 drop jumps). Eccentric exercise, which involves prolonged muscle contractions, is associated with muscle soreness and post-workout inflammation. Subjects drank either 250 or 126 ml of beet juice or a placebo immediately after exercise and after 24 and 48 hours during recovery. Compared to the placebo, high doses of beet juice reduced muscle soreness and prevented a decrease in performance during jumps. The GodMode Booster is a rich source of beet.

Delayed onset muscle soreness is caused by minor injuries to muscle cells and other damage caused by inflammation. Beet juice works by reducing inflammation.

(European Journal of Applied Physiology, 116: 353 - 362, 2016

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