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What is alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG)?

Alpha-ketoglutaric acid is a derivative of glutaric acid. AKG, also known as oxo-glutarate, is an important biological compound and is the keto acid produced by the removal of an amine group from the glutamate molecule as part of the Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle is a series of chemical reactions involved in aerobic respiration. When this cycle is slowed down, fat breakdown is prevented because fatty acids can no longer be completely broken down.

AKG & Energy

During the Krebs cycle, a series of chemical reactions take place in living cells that are involved in energy production. The Krebs cycle takes place in the mitochondria of cells. In cells that use a significant amount of energy, such as muscle cells, there are a greater number of mitochondria. AKG acts as a transporter for creatine and helps to transport more creatine into the target muscle cells. When administered orally, AKG helps to conserve glutamine stores, increasing the synthesis and availability of glutamine. In the medical field, AKG has been shown to prevent muscle catabolism during the first 24 hours after surgery and protect glutamine concentrations from falling.

AKG in bodybuilding supplements

In athletes, AKG, when taken in conjunction with other supplements, improves oxygen uptake while reducing lactic acid buildup during shorter duration efforts. A range of products are available in which AKG is bound to a single amino acid, including arginine and ornithine, or to a group of amino acids.

Ornithine-AKG (OKG) for muscle building

Alpha-ketoglutarate (OKG) bound to ornithine has been used in France for almost 3 decades in the treatment of burn victims. It is believed that OKG is able to induce an anabolic and anti-catabolic response, which is attributed to the fact that ornithine and AKG share similar physiological pathways. When ornithine and AKG in the form of OKG are taken in combination, these two compounds saturate certain receptors, increasing the availability of free metabolites of OKG. It has been shown that OKG is significantly more effective than taking ornithine or AKG in isolation.1

Arginine-AKG (A-AKG) for muscle regeneration

Arginine is an amino acid that promotes muscle building and regeneration. Arginine is also a precursor in nitric oxide synthesis. The potential benefits of increased nitric oxide levels include improved blood flow to working muscles, increased nutrient uptake and increased protein synthesis. In addition, alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) combines with ammonia produced during intense muscle activity to form glutamine - an amino acid important for muscle energy and recovery. Arginine is a non-essential amino acid that influences various processes in the body, including hormone secretion, increased growth hormone secretion, the elimination of toxic waste products from the body and the function of the immune system.

It has been shown that a daily intake of L-arginine AKG increases the body's creatine stores, which can boost the performance of power athletes. Supplementation with arginine alpha-ketoglutarate also increases nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide is important because it increases oxygen transport, improves blood circulation and increases the supply of nutrients to the skeletal muscles. The higher the nitric oxide levels, the stronger the muscle pump and the larger the muscles become. In addition, AKG increases training performance, resulting in faster gains in muscle mass. Creatine is bound to the AKG molecule so that it can be transported into the muscle cells more easily, allowing more creatine to reach the muscle cells directly.

AKG for bodybuilders

AKG is a proven, versatile and highly effective supplement. In athletes and patients, AKG conserves glutamine reserves and thus increases the availability and synthesis of glutamine. AKG is equally useful for athletes and post-operative patients, as it has an anti-catabolic effect after intense physical exertion or surgery, which counteracts the breakdown of muscle protein. When combined with other amino acids, AKG improves nutrient transport and absorption. It is used to improve athletic performance as it improves amino acid metabolism. During heart surgery, AKG is even used to prevent a lack of blood and oxygen transport to the heart, which speaks to its oxygen transport enhancing abilities.


  1. Essentials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements, Jose Antonio, PhD, Douglas Kalman, Phd, RD, Jeffrey R. Stout, PhD, Mike Greenwood, PhD, Darryn S. Willoughby, PhD, G. Gregory Haff PhD.